We welcome additional donations from current members -- please use the membership form below or call 252-617-2125.
Become a Supporting Member by June 30
and enjoy some or all of these membership privileges:
Additional detail about member benefits is available on the membership form. |
Membership Contributions are tax deductible. ROCK STAR $1000+ IMPRESARIO $500 CONDUCTOR $250 CONCERT MASTER $125 FIRST CHAIR $50 A donation of at least $50 is required to receive early access to discounted tickets. To join or to make a donation, you can use a debit or credit card below, or you can download the membership form. and mail to: Pamlico Musical Society, PO Box 805, Oriental, NC 28571 |
For each membership level, online payment amounts include the fee for online payment processing.
Interested in sponsoring a show? THANK YOU!
Please send us this form and our sponsorship team will be in touch.
Please send us this form and our sponsorship team will be in touch.